Invisalign 3D digital smile design

Invisalign planning: Take a peek at the healthy, regular future of your teeth

Invisalign 3D digital smile design uses advanced computer-aided planning to visualize the initial, in-between and final state of the teeth. This innovative technology guarantees that orthodontic patients can precisely anticipate the outcome of orthodontic treatment.


Invisalign 3D digital smile design

Invisalign 3D digital smile design 150 000 HUF
Good to know

We offer a quality, professional and time guarantee for all of our treatments. Your personal treatment plan will include an itemized list of treatments to be carried out. If additional treatments are required, they will be added to the list at the end of each treatment. You can pay in Hungarian forint (HUF) and euro (EUR) currencies.

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We first carry out a complete oral health assessment and examination for each new patient. Then, we prepare an individual, customized treatment plan with the expected costs. (Consultation, check-up and treatment plan: 15 000 HUF)